Friday, December 11, 2009

Lindsey Graduated!!!

Lindsey graduated tonight with a Masters degree in Social Work after a long and stressful year and a half. I am so proud of how much hard work she into the program and her internship, she's a natural Social Worker. It was just so nice to watch her grab that degree, so proud! It was hard for her to say goodbye to all of the incredible people she met in her program, as many of them will be leaving over the next weeks. But, we're off to Minnesota tomorrow morning, stopping in Chicago to see friends for a bit.

Woohoo! Now we need to buy a big frame!

One of Linsey's favorite professors

This was the only shot I could get of her on the stage and she literally broke into a sprint to get off

Harry Shearer delivered the commencement, he was great (voice of many Simpsons characters and also in Spinal Tap)

The Dean

Here are all the graduates

Lindsey with some of her friends before the ceremony

Lindsey and Mandy

Lindsey, Ida, and Karen

Lindsey, Brooke, and Hailey

Lindsey and Calley

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Week before Graduation!

This is my professional project group. We have been working for a year on a project in bibliotherapy-which is basically writing books and having discussion as a form of therapy. This form of therapy is only effective if you combine it with other therapy....but the idea began when we noticed that there was a lack of books addressing Posttraumatic Stress Syndrome (highly prevalent with kids here post Hurricane Katrina) and a lack of books that address bullying -from the bully's perspective and trying to understand the bully. For Save the Children, we would go in the schools and lead therapy groups with kids addressing these topics, which usually involved a story-since there was a lack of these books-we decided to write them, have focus groups critiquing them, and then and have them illustrated. Here's us last minute throwing our post together in 2 hours to present our project :)
our cheesy poster (very Science Fairy-like)
Friends Brooke-(she just got back from living in BElize for 3 months with the international social work program) Molly, Mandy and ME
Here's us at the science and fair and with our completed projects. Our professors were THRILLED with our books and they are looking at getting us funding to pursue self-publishing.
Brian helped put the illustrations and writing into a software program before we brought them to the printing he even had a part in the project!
Here's us celebrating at Lisa's family restaurant, which is an Italian restaurant from the 1950's (it was a restaurant originally in Chicago and they moved here in the 50's!)
Sooo good.... chicken, breaded oysters, shrimp, crab salad....yum!
My friend got married and the marriage didn't turn out so well and she's getting a divorce. She was never able to have a bachelorette party-so her sister threw her a Divorce Party-a Back on the Market party and we decided to go out and buy tacky dresses. here are 2 we tried on. Hideous..but I didn't settle on this one....

This is Shea my friend from the program-we ended up buying the SAME dresses in different colors! (don't we look like those fundamentalist mormans?)
This is the group--we had a bag and had people contribute to a Divorce fund. We walked in a Christmas parade in the Quarter-and everyone loved our idea!
I think Mandy had 20 bows on her dress. d

Bri and I have been taking Chinese classes on the weekend--here's our class eating hot pot tonight! So good cause it was cold outside!
Our teacher dishing up!
I graduate this Friday so more pictures soon to come! Then Chicago/Minnesota here we come!