Sunday, March 15, 2009

More Parades? St. Patty's Day in Nawlins

The aftermath...yes they throw beads and vegetables at the we scored a few cabbage!

75% Irish and 50% Finn
Crawfish boils...they are yummy and SPICY.
It rained on and off all day, but overall it was a super stellar parade!!!


Bombshell said...

That looks like some crazy fun! I noticed all the trash in the street...I'd hate to have clean-up duty. Love all your beads and your cabbage too, I guess. :) Glad to see you guys get to have some fun between hittin' the books.

Sally T said...

Question 1: Does NO ever let an occasion go by without a parade or some sort of celebration? e.g. what do they do on Arbor Day?

Question 2: Where the HECK do they get all those beads and what does everyone DO with them??? Recycle?

Question 3: Was the beer green?

binzer said...

Sally you are so funny-
Most of the beer was green...and yes, there are parades a lot, but they are so fun! We just found out where we can recycle our beads (only the ones that are little) and they recycle them and the money goes to a good cause for special needs kids. So yea, otherwise we had huge bag fulls of beads and didn't know what to do with them!!! binzer

bat act said...

Binzer did all of Louisiana's state stimulation money go to beads? My goodness they have a lot of beads!